mercoledì 28 agosto 2013

Something for the world...

I am going to write something in English. I will write in English because I am talking to the world. You know it has been a while and I have been doing a lot of thinking and much is going on, that I really want say something. I think people should do this more often. Thinking, telling what they feel to a piece of paper, making other people read it, listen to what they think about it. This is gives me a balance, brings me some kind of equilibrium. In the end we are always growing up, we are constantly learning.  There is so much about life I don’t know, that I would almost like to stop random people in the street and ask them for advice. Is like I feel each one of them could teach me something, no matter what. Obviously many would give out to me, the reaction of each one of us in front of our life is generally as negative as the news have been in the last few months:  unemployment, corruption, parochialism, bad politicians, revolutions, dead people.  I would hear things like: The weather is no longer the same (today it’s raining in Barcelona), life is no longer the same, the world is no longer the same. Many of them would think I am crazy.  But then again aren’t we all? When I see every day life, here in Raval I have the feeling to be looking at a movie with no protagonist. A movie with no specific location or scenography or story, everything can happen to anyone.  There is so much going on in everyone life and at the same time nothing is really happening. We never get the chance to stop and really feel that exact moment. We are always going somewhere and we are always doing something. For example: You know I am happy? Yes. I think I am very happy. I am going to be 30 soon, I have a fantastic girlfriend I am thinking of buying a house with her. I know there has been a lot of time when I was grumpy and I complain about stuff, but what else would I really need? We are healthy, we have jobs, we have people that love us, although we don’t see them very often, we can always plan trips and holidays together. I would like to ask the same question to that over 60 years old builder I saw this evening, crossing the street with 2 bags of cement, while people are walking easy around.  Shopping, looking at the windows, they didn’t bother to let him pass by. I want to ask the same question to the over 60 years old men bringing the tanks of water to our office, every single day. How is normal people life going? Are you happy? Do you have the life you deserve? Where you able to pick the right destiny for you at 30? Do we really have a choice, or is more like life is choosing for us rather than the other way around?  

So I take this moment, where I look at the world, with all these issues, with all this frivolity (is that English?) and I think, are we doing the right thing? How are we going to be in 30 years? What will my children think at my age? Am I going to give them the right education? Will I teach them to let pass people that are working or would I spoil them with the shopping and the window watching?   I am sorry to disappoint all those people I never met on the street, but I don’t think the world has changed much. I think we always had gays, paedophiles, rain in august, people abusing animals, people abusing people, we always had bad politicians and other “wrong” stuff, but we didn’t know about it. Today we get to know on Facebook that Putin (Russia’s President) is planning to attack Saudi Arabia if the US will attack Syria. But no one is panicking on the street!?! Fifty, Sixty years old from now, the exact same news may have caused migration and hysteria in many countries, but today is not like that. A third world war? That is unconsciously unthinkable by most of people living in the western world. Why would I want to go on a war? We are not invading anybody we are not being invaded. I imagine the reaction of most of young people with the big mosquito D&G glasses, their pants showing their arse and the latest hair style, about such announcement:  “war? Uh-uh! Not happening!” What would government do? Put them in prison? That would be a great school for them. Comments after one year: “I had the best time of my life! I am sorry for being so cynic, but I am exactly this: Cynic the result of the society where I lived in the last 30 years and where I was been taught to be independent from the society.  Not enough, I am very happy! Yes, I am. Because everything is going in the right direction: The global warming is a well known and studied phenomenon, men has invented and is investigating clean energy, people are always more respectful for animals, there is more consciousness about other people cultures and religions, there is more consciousness about religions, we know about added sugar in our food, we know about animals living in Africa, we know why Chinese have their small eyes, and where the world “burqa” comes from. There is a real and alive wake up movement that is completely changing the world, and we are all part of it. If I didn’t see videos of people sleeping in the parliament office, if I didn’t see pictures of politicians going with prostitutes and spending public money for them, than I should be worry. If Putin declaration was causing hysteria and panic I should be worry, if the old builder didn’t smile at me I should be worry, if the different people in the street where constantly fighting and arguing about their religion and culture I should be worry, If in Turkey in Egypt and in Syria there was no opposite movement, if nothing was happening than I should be worry.  But normal people don’t plan attacks don’t go on a war, they live together peacefully because they know is the best for all. Normal people go over religion and they know exactly what’s the right thing to do is and to teach to their own children, and this doesn’t matter in which country is happening. So I am happy, because I believe in people. Because I believe in men kind as a really more intelligent animal.  And if there is always someone thinking differently, if there is someone listening to a different prospective, and if we have the guts to say what we think to the others. No matter how long it will take, I am happy, because I know we are going in the right direction.